"Panipuri, also known as Gol Gappa or Gup chup is a popular street snack in the Indian subcontinent. It comprises a round, hollow "puri", fried crisp and filled with a watery mixture of tamarind, chili, chaat masala , potato, onion and chickpeas. Its size is small enough to fit in the mouth."
Jewelery Store
Jewelery Store
Jewelery Store
"In [Pakistan], Nimbu Paani refers to a mixture of lemon juice, sugar, and uncarbonated water...[it] is a common household preperation, made using freshly squeezed lemons, granular sugar, salt (and other spices as per preferred taste) and is invariably consumed fresh."
Liberty Cafe Chowk
Sour treats
"Kulfi is a popular flavoured frozen dessert of the Subcontinent, made from milk. In taste, texture and preparation, it shares commonalities with ice cream.
Unlike other ice-cream, kulfi takes a very long time to melt. It comes in various flavours, including pistachio, malai, mango, cardamom (elaichi), saffron (kesar), the more traditional flavours, as well as newer variations like apple, orange, peanut, and avocado.
Unlike Western ice creams, kulfi is not whipped, resulting in a solid, dense frozen dessert similar to traditional custard based ice-cream. Thus, it is usually considered a distinct category of frozen dairy-based dessert."
Unlike other ice-cream, kulfi takes a very long time to melt. It comes in various flavours, including pistachio, malai, mango, cardamom (elaichi), saffron (kesar), the more traditional flavours, as well as newer variations like apple, orange, peanut, and avocado.
Unlike Western ice creams, kulfi is not whipped, resulting in a solid, dense frozen dessert similar to traditional custard based ice-cream. Thus, it is usually considered a distinct category of frozen dairy-based dessert."
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